Předpokládaná doba čtení: 8 minut
How did you like our longest stage together? Are you ready for the next adventure? This time a little over 27 kilometres are in store for us as we make our return to the Czech side of the border. From the German Hochwald, we will head for Hrádek and Nisou, and there are many beautiful places to look forward to and more stamps to collect. Let us be on our way, because it is as they say – adventure waits for no one!
Vertical climb
433 m
898 m
28,2 km
8:31 hour
Refreshments along the way
Today’s journey may be shorter than the last, but hunger must never be underestimated. We therefore believe that the next tip for refreshment will serve you well. This recommendation is a real doozy. Specifically, it is Jítravský dvorec, which you should visit for a unique gourmet experience. All the dishes are prepared from local produce. The meat thus comes from local organic beef and lamb farming while the game is hunted in the surrounding forests. You can savour the specialities of Czech and international cuisine alike in a modern concept. What’s more, you can pay using meal vouchers and eStravenka cards.
- Pilgrimage stamp 08 – Hochwaldbaude
- Pilgrimage stamp 91 – Basilica minor
- Pilgrimage stamp 92 – Jablonné v Podještědí information centre
- Pilgrimage stamp 10 – Brána Trojzemí

Photo: Ruben Vančo
Route of the fifth stage
From yesterday’s destination in Hochwald, we will head back to the Czech side of the border along the blue route Oberlasitzer Bergweg on the Kammloch intersection, and from there along the red to TIM Na šestce near a former hunting lodge. It is a location that got its name based on the number of the forest department in which it is located. In the past, there was a known forest house where hunters gathered for various competitions. Later on, the building was repurposed as an excursion restaurant, but today there are only the remains of the foundations and a nearby stone well. From the lodge, we will follow the blue sign to Heřmanic v Podještědí. After that, we will head for Jablonné v Podještědí, where we may visit the noteworthy Dominican monastery and Basilica Minor to obtain another pilgrimage stamp. The Basilica Minor is among the foremost Baroque buildings in Central Europe, and its façade was decorated with sculptures by the prominent sculptor J. F. Bienert in 1711. From the Basilica Minor, we will move to the information centre in the town square, where yet another pilgrimage stamp can be collected. Finally, we will depart Jablonné v Podještědí and follow the green sign to Lemberk. There you can see the local castle, said to be the jewel of early Baroque architecture. Originally, a Gothic castle stood in its place in the 13th century and was later rebuilt into a Renaissance castle halfway through the 16th century. It assumed its current form in the latter half of the 17th century. From Lemberk, we will take the green route to TIM Polesí and then, staying on the green, through the U tří pánů intersection to Pekařův kříž. Its name (which translates as Baker’s Cross) comes from the times when an important route was located there, travelled by bakers on their way to trade. They hung the cross there to protect them from all the misfortunes that might prey upon them on their travels. Next comes Krásný Důl, Podkova and TIM Popova skála. We will not bid farewell to the green route just yet, but continue along it to reach Hrádek nad Nisou, the destination of our fifth stage. The tenth pilgrimage stamp can be found in the Trojzemí information centre, and only a well-deserved rest awaits us for the rest of the day.
In this stage, we make our return to the Czech side of the border, but we nonetheless remind you that this trail is far away from big cities, therefore it is advisable to secure accommodation close to the destination. For the fifth stage, we once again present several tips for places to rest up before continuing the journey further.
Penzion La Campagna
Sokolská 356, 463 34 Hrádek nad Nisou
Tel.: +420 736 482 422
E-mail: info@lacampagna.cz
Hotel Jimmy
Školní 440, 463 34 Hrádek nad Nisou
Tel.: +420 774 068 222
E-mail: hoteljimmy@seznam.cz
Pension Janata
Hradební 375, 463 34 Hrádek nad Nisou
Tel.: +420 482 723 775
E-mail: janata.pension@volny.cz
Penzion Martilka
Václavská 137, 463 34 Hrádek nad Nisou
Tel.: +420 607 786 562
E-mail: penzion.martilka@seznam.cz
We wish you a pleasant journey!