Meal voucher

The most popular benefit? The meal voucher shall please everyone.
The most popular and traditional employee benefit which brings advantages to both company and employees.

Savings for the company

Meal vouchers are a tax deductible expense up to 55% of their value.

Pay raise

The meal voucher contribution increases the net salary. No insurance is paid out of it.

Healthy benefit

Regular meals increase efficiency, performance and effectiveness.

Easy application

Meal vouchers are accepted in more than 32,000 establishments nationwide.

Easy and fast search for shops and restaurants

Find out where you can use your meal vouchers.

Restaurant locator

Count the tax savings

Compare 2 options
Compare 2 options Increase of employees‘ salary/month
for employees
21 meal vouchers/month
The employer will pay in a month:
The employer will pay in a month: 129 938 129 938
The insurance paid by the employer in a month:
The insurance paid by the employer in a month: 43 919 0 Kč
The total paid by the employer in a month:
The total paid by the employer in a month: 173 856 129 938
The employer will save per year:
The employer will save per year: 0 Kč 527 027
The employee’s annual income will increase by:
The employee’s annual income will increase by: 22 890 31 185


The calculation is set at 55% of the employer’s share in a meal voucher value and anticipates 21 business days in a month. The optimal nominal value of a meal voucher for 2025 is CZK 225.

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    By sending your data, you allow us to process your personal data for the purpose of processing your request. More information, including information about your rights, can be found on the Privacy Policy page.

    Order your meal vouchers quickly and without signing a contract


    Frequently asked questions

    Labor Code no. 262/2006 Coll., as amended. The employer is obliged to ensure catering to all employees in all shifts; the employer does not have this obligation towards the employees sent on business trips. Income Tax Act no. 586/1992 Coll., as amended. The expenses (costs) related to the achievement, assurance and preservation of income also represent the expenses (costs) related to the employment and social conditions, health care and an increased rest period of employees spent on the operation of one’s own catering facility, except for the value of foodstuff, or the contributions to catering provided through other entities and rendered up to 55 % of the price of one meal per shift, but no more than 70% of the meal allowance defined for employees under Section 6 ss. 7 par. a) of the ITA for business trips of 5 to 12 hours. The value of meals provided as non-monetary performance by the employer to employees for consumption at the workplace or as part of the company catering provided through other entities is exempt from employee’s income tax (Section 6 ss. 9 par. b of the ITA).

    Unused vouchers must be delivered to our headquarters no later than 20 calendar days after their expiration date. The expiration date of each voucher is displayed on its front side. A credit note will be issued for the returned vouchers, which we will reimburse to the client’s account within the deadline stipulated in the contract. The price of this service is governed by the pricelist of services in force.

    Would you like to learn more? Download the document.

      Meal Voucher | Product Sheet 9. 1. 2025 253 KB Download  
      VOP CZ+EN Klient 18. 10. 2023 276 KB Download  
      VOP CZ+EN Partner 18. 10. 2023 250 KB Download